Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 2: Weigh In

This week’s stats:

Weight: 99.0 kg

Chest: 117.5 cm

Hips: 125cm

Thigh: 70cm

Feeling quite chuffed about this result (since, you know, I’ve been working so hard for a whole week and all). Although, during the week I had been thinking that I hadn’t been under 100 kg in about 3 years. Checking back on my weigh-ins on Calorieking, however, I was 97 kg in June last year. Prior to that my weight had been up to 106 kg.

But now I’m in double figures again. So that feels like a milestone. Looking back over my weigh-ins, it’s interesting to see how my weight has gradually increased in the past 6 years. I first started in June ’05, weighing in at 85 kg, and managed to get myself down to 76.5 kg. I know that I stopped tracking my progress for a while there and actually weighed about 72 kg at one point. But then there is a huge break and my next weigh-in my weight was back up to 84 kg. Then another break and I’m 92 kg. And another and it’s up even more.

Another interesting thing is in the past 3 or 4 years, I’ve never sustained any of my efforts for more than 2 weigh-ins. So I’ve never made it past 2 weeks. Which means that this week, it’s going to be critical to keep my motivation up. Today, I feel like the motivation is there, so I’ll have to really buoy myself with these positive feelings.

Over the weekend, while I exercised on Saturday, I didn’t quite manage it on Sunday. Instead, we visited my mum, who lives a couple of hours away, and it was pouring raining, so no hope of getting out for a walk or anything of that kind. And being at my mum’s meant that I pretty much spent the day grazing. Although, I had taken the food, and I had tried to buy things that were reasonably healthy, so at least I was grazing on decent food. And you know, I don’t consider this a failure, or a slip-up. I just consider this “life”. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you plan.

This morning I’ve done my workout on the stationary bike. I pushed myself a little and am currently averaging 24 km/hour. It’s only for 30 mins, so that’s quite sustainable for me. I feel energised and healthy.

These are the feelings I need to remember if my motivation begins to flag …

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