Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 1: 19 September 2011

I think it's kind of convenient that I have nearly, almost exactly two months until a key calendar date in my busy, busy schedule.

In two months' time, I am booked to attend a singing workshop.  Honestly, at this stage, I'm not 100% sure that it is going ahead, but it's a useful milestone, nevertheless, for a couple of reasons.

First of all, it's a key date for me to work towards.  To plan that in two months' time I will be so much fitter, stronger.  Maybe I will have lost weight.  Who knows?

Secondly, I will be doing something that was previously "fun" for me.  I sing.  But in the past couple of years, due to lack of suitable opportunities, my motivation to do so has waned.  Which is kind of a bummer because it truly is something I enjoy.  So when I saw this workshop advertised, I booked myself on it, even though it was months away, because it was exactly the sort of thing that does interest me, and I figured it might possibly open up some other opportunities for me.

So, this workshop will kind of kill three birds with one stone for me.  It's a milestone date, it's a reward I'm giving myself, and it's rekindling some of the fun in my life.  Something to work towards.

Anyway.  Since this is Week 1, Day 1, I figured I needed some vital statistics:
Weight:  101.5 kg
Height:  166 cm
Chest:  118 cm
Waist:  107.5 cm
Hips:  126 cm
So there you have it.
I do not want to become a slave to calorie counting.  My plan - initially at least - is simply to be aware of what goes into my mouth, and to do some form of exercise 5 days a week.  That said, I have tried this several times before and my plans have come to nothing.  I've tried being super strict about it, and I've tried baby steps, and it's ended in failure.  I have no guarantee that this time will be any different, but I'm still going to try.

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