Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3: Thoughts

Still keeping on. I was apprehensive this morning as I've been on this ride so many times now, and I'm aware that by day 3 I tend to start craving sweets and chocolate. The chocolate cravings didn't happen today, but I did find myself craving tonic water. I'd started drinking tonic water as an adult "treat" a few weeks ago, but usually one is enough. Today, however, I had three glasses of tonic water. A complete waste of calories, but more manageable than a craving for chocolate, I guess.

I realise that planning ahead is going to be important for my motivation and stick-to-it-ness. Tomorrow (and Friday), I'm working, so I don't have the luxury of postponing my workout until late in the morning. I've decided, instead, to do a walk after work tomorrow night after the kids have gone to bed. I have a route I follow that takes me about 5.5km up and down some very hilly parts of my neighbourhood.

Despite my tonic water binge today, I have kept within my calories today. Pretty much. My fat and carbohydrate intakes are both through the roof, however, whilst my protein intake is only about half of the recommended intake. At some point I will need to address this, but not yet.

I have been looking at other options for getting back into my hobbies. I used to perform in amateur musicals, but have lost interest in the past couple of years. For a long while I'd been able to get away with playing roles much younger than my actual age. But I'm 40 now. I look fat and middle-aged. Not many roles for older, chubby women in musical theatre (finding a role as a slim, younger woman is difficult enough!) But a theatre group close to me is doing a show that does have roles for older women. Auditions will probably be next month or November. I'm thinking of auditioning.

So. Small steps. It all helps.

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